Application Programming Interface#

AbstractBSTModel - Type

BSTModel - Type need to describe - Method


The build() function takes the path to the model file as a String argument and returns a model dictionary of type BSTModel. Compatibile filetypes include .bst, .txt, .jld2, .dat, .net, and .toml files. need to describe how to properly format model file returns a model dictionary (need to describe components) - Method

save(path::String, model::T)::Bool where T <: AbstractBSTModel

path must end in .jld2 returns true (good) or error

BSTModelKit.evaluate - Method

evaluate(model::BSTModel; tspan::Tuple{Float64,Float64} = (0.0,20.0),
    Δt::Float64 = 0.01, input::Union{Nothing,Function} = nothing)::Tuple{Array{Float64,1}, Array{Float64,2}}

returns (T,X) as Tuple{Array{Float64,1}, Array{Float64,2}}

BSTModelKit.steadystate - Method

steadystate(model::BSTModel; tspan::Tuple{Float64,Float64} = (0.0,20.0),
    Δt::Float64 = 0.01, input::Union{Nothing,Function} = nothing)

returns steady state solution as Array{Float64,1}

BSTModelKit.morris - Method

morris(performance::Function, L::Array{Float64,1}, U::Array{Float64,1};
    number_of_samples::Int64 = 1000)::Array{Float64,2}

returns array [means, variances]

BSTModelKit.sobol - Method

sobol(performance::Function, L::Array{Float64,1}, U::Array{Float64,1};
    number_of_samples::Int64 = 1000, orders::Array{Int64,1} = [0, 1, 2])
